Where Python Can be Used? | Technic Hubs - Technic Hubs

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Saturday, September 2, 2017

Where Python Can be Used? | Technic Hubs

As I have already mentioned, you can do almost anything with python. Some of the things that python lets you do are:
  • Django - web development
                We can develop various web based app using Django or Python. Site like quora, pinterest are developed from python django. We do can make from flask, but Django is greater choice.
  • KIVY - best mobile application development for both android and IOS.
                 The development of application like instagram is from Python. We can even develop the desktop app. 
  • Data science
  • Data mining
  • Hacking
  • Networking
  • Security
  • Numerics/ Statistics
  • Games. Usually Mobile games, and small 2D-games.
  • Operating systems
  • Basically any thing that offers an API, which is about 98% of the internet.
  • Science. Chemistry, Physics, astronomy, etc.
  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence
The list of the work that python can do cannot be counted in hand. It helps in web development to software development and now it has good respect in field of machine learning. Due to its rich library it can be used in almost every sectors. 
Python is a scripting language like PHP, Perl, Ruby and many more. It can be used for web programming by using Django or Flask. It also can be used for desktop applications and pygames. Python can also be translated into binary code like java. They are also used in desktop GUI based application development.

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